Building Safer Spaces in Creative Communities
Thursday, April 23, 2020
1-2:30pm CDT (2p eastern start time)
with Kira Wisniewski (Baltimore, MD), Shawna Potter (Baltimore, MD), Siân Evans (Baltimore, MD), Tyde-Courtney Edwards (Baltimore, MD)
This session brings together folx from Art+Feminism, FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture and Shawna Potter, author of Making Spaces Safer. This workshop will:
Discuss the importance of organizational structure and taking care of emotional space as you create (FORCE)
Review and discuss the development of our Brave Space agreement and stewarding online communities (Art+Feminism)
Share safer space tactics and run through scenarios (Potter/Making Spaces Safer)
The session will include small group discussion and conclude with a facilitated Q&A as we collaborate towards solutions for creating safer, braver space for us all. No experience required, all gender identities and expressions welcome!
NOTE: The session will include discussion about harassment and trauma that may be triggering.
For more information about the entire virtual Common Field Conference weekend, visit