other projects
TEACHROCK: A free lesson plan for high school teachers
Shawna worked with the organization TEACHROCK, whose mission is to bring music into more classrooms, to create a lesson plan for teachers that helps students explore Bystander Intervention and examine how its use can make music spaces and other public gathering places more safe, accessible, and fun for everyone. Complete with supporting media, activities, engaging questions, and extention activities, all free to use and downloadable from teachrock.org.
"Bystander Intervention engaged my students with a topic that makes most students uncomfortable. It also normalized an experience that they have all had." - High School Teacher, Utah
Infographic - A Complaint of Harm
In August of 2021, Shawna worked with the Union of Musicians and Allied Workers (of which she is a member) to create some helpful slides. The purpose was to provide simple tips for people who have gotten a complaint of harm about someone they know, but aren’t sure where to begin.
The original caption for the post read: “We all have a role in making spaces safer. Someone else’s bad behavior isn’t your fault, but you might be in a unique position to make the situation better.” Click through to see all the slides.
Check out the main page for Nightlife Partnerships by clicking here.
Nightlife Partnerships
From June to September 2020, Shawna developed a training specifically for nightlife workers to help them prevent and address alcohol-facilitated sexual violence. This work was made possible through a grant from The Maryland Department of Health Rape and Sexual Assault Prevention Program. She provided resource kits, led virtual staff trainings, and managed awareness building social media campaigns. Click here to read a summary of the project. Additional resource kits available while supplies last.
Two Minutes to Late Night
War On Women has appeared on the heavy metal themed late night talk show Two Minutes to Late Night several times. They’ve filled in as the house band (replacing Mutoid Man on special occasions) and Shawna even appeared in this sketch, a funny mash up of barbershop quartet & hardcore punk singing, with the legendary Vinnie Stigma. Definitely worth walking around the New York subway system for hours in the winter! You can find more of their hilarious content on Youtube, including their incredible 2020 Bedroom Covers series.
Safer Spaces, a film about Shawna Potter
Filmed over a couple months in Boston, MA, OTC Industries has made a short documentary about Shawna, her band, and her safer space work featuring interviews with colleagues and live footage of War On Women. The first trailer was released at the end of 2019 and their planned film festival screenings in 2020 were derailed due to COVID-19. It is currently available to stream via Amazon and Vimeo. To bring this doc to your university or space, reach out to OTC.
2020 Colorado International Activism Film Festival: Best Production Design Award for Documentary Short Film/MV (Winner)
The 2020 Shawna Shea Film Festival: Best Documentary Short winner
Best Direction & Acting Award for Documentary Short Film/MV
Best Audio/Music/Soundtrack Award for Documentary Short Film/MV
Best Costumes & Makeup Award for Documentary Short Film/MV
Hip & Cool Award for Documentary Short Film/MV
Amp Repair
Shawna Potter was an amp tech and the manager for Big Crunch Amp Repair & Design since its opening in 2008 until SARS-CoV-2 hit in 2020. She took a break during the pandemic to focus on virtual safer space trainings and a new podcast, and now is back to helping part time. A unique service in Baltimore, Big Crunch specializes in tube amp repair, restoration, and custom design. They build their own guitar amp, bass amp, and effects pedal designs in-house, used by bands like Jawbox, Clutch, the Sword, War On Women, Sparta, and more. To see what’s on the bench or learn about upcoming classes, visit bigcrunchamprepair.com or follow them on social media.
published writing
Shawna doesn’t consider herself much of a writer, unless you mean lyrics and music. She mostly gets her views out there through interviews and her podcast, But Her Lyrics. Outside of her book Making Spaces Safer (and the preceding pocket guide), she’s only written a few op eds, all related to feminism and safer spaces.
Click here to read more.
groovesafe consultant
After her book reading in Vermont, Shawna met the founder of GrooveSafe, a small non-profit bringing awareness to the issue of groping and harassment in music spaces and beyond. She was asked to consult on special projects and her work began in earnest in 2021, helping to design and implement programs and guide the growth of the organization.
Learn about Shawna’s journey into activism and how it relates to her band, podcast, and other work. She also has a few tips for anyone getting started, and is available for coaching/consulting for established and newly forged organizations or individuals looking to make a difference.
Click here to read more.